The Sandpixies

Worldwide first sand animation series
2009 – 2018, 3 series seasons for "The Sandman"
Direction: Ralf Kukula

What happens in the sandbox when the kids have gone home? Then Agathe and Schorsch awake, they are sandpixies and consist entirely of sand. During the day, the two sleep tightly rolled up and are indistinguishable from their surroundings, thus invisible to humans. Only when you are very quiet and listen closely, you can hear the small sand hills snoring softly. At night, Agathe and Schorsch have a lot of adventures when they are craving for sand pies, picnicking, or celebrating a birthday party.

Actually, it was pretty obvious to look in the sandbox to see if there are Sandman stories there, right? Andreas Strozyk found "The Sandpixies", Doris Riedl wrote down their stories and director Ralf Kukula made the sandbox world visible and audible to us. Produced by Balance Film GmbH Dresden, the completely new technology was developed and implemented - a 2D sand animation.

Funded by MDM, coproduced by RBB, MDR, NDR, as well as Facteur 7 (Montreal, Canada, 1st season) and Zabelle Inc. (Montreal, Canada).

Festival participations of individual episodes (selection):
Toronto Kids International Film Festival; International Animation Film Festival Annecy, France; International Children's Film Festival Zlín, Czech Republic; Chicago International Children's Film Festival, USA; Brazilian Kids Film Festival Rio de Janeiro; 56th BFI London Film Festival; BAMKIDS Film Festival New York
Xiamen International Animation Festival, China (2nd prize for best TV series); 20th World Festival of Animated Film Zagreb