Jana in the World of Souls
Animation Feature
Author: Johannes Dreibach
Dramaturge: Nicole Kellerhals
9-year-old Jana has been pretty thrown off track since her father´s death. Especially when she learns that her mother wants to leave the old house and garden behind and move. But Jane does not want to leave the place of remembrance of her father. When she imagines hearing his voice, she excitedly follows the trace and thereby unceremoniously gets caught in an in-between world where ghosts, goblins, sylphs and other mythical figures from German folklore cavort. Together with her new friends - fox Reinecke and patron god Balder - she sets out on an adventurous search for her deceased father. Through her friends and adventures Jana learns what it is like to courageously face her feelings and the uncertain future of her own life without forgetting the past or else being paralysed by it. Ultimately, one has to understand change and fear as part of life and carry it along on the journey forward in some way.
Script and project development funded by the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung.