
Animation short film
7-10 min
Directress: Anne-Christin Plate

Disabled people who desire, who are enlightened, who feel comfortable in their own skin, who try things out, who have sex - hard to imagine? sexability uses the means of animation film to show the experience of sensuality from the perspective of people with so-called intellectual disabilities.

The basis of the short film project sexability is the two-year collaboration between directress Anne-Christin Plate and seven artists from the Thikwawerkstatt for theatre and art, a workshop for people with so-called intellectual disabilities in Berlin. Together with Hannah Grzimek, Nico Altmann, Sammy Serdag, Rudina Bejtuli, Christian Wollert, Kerstin Buenaventura and Merete Kaatz, Anne-Christin Plate worked as a researcher and artist in the sexability project from 2020-2022. The basis of their joint work is trust and openness. Weekly discussion and work sessions on all questions of sexuality and self-development become a learning field, knowledge exchange and reflection.
Images and animated clips are created that give expression to desires and views.

Production funding by BKM, FFA, MBB, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen and SLM.