Schulpreis der IndieJúnior Allianz für FRITZI

Unser Kinoanimationsfilm „Fritzi - Eine Wendewundergeschichte" war einer der meistgesehenen Filme der Schulkinowochen in Deutschland im Jahr 2020. Unter den aktuellen Bedingungen kann Schulkino derzeit leider nicht wie gewohnt stattfinden.
Daher freut uns eine Nachricht, die uns in dieser Woche erreichte, umso mehr: unser Film wurde in Portugal mit dem Schulpreis der IndieJúnior Allianz IFF als Bester Film ausgezeichnet. In einem Auszug aus der Juryerklärung heißt es: „Die kindliche und emotionale Atmosphäre, die der Film erzeugt, erweicht das kälteste Herz und lässt am Ende des Films, wenn die Hauptfigur ihr Ziel endlich erreicht, sogar die ein oder andere Träne kullern. Aus diesen Gründen und zusammen mit der technischen Exzellenz der Animationen, Zeichnungen, Schnitt und Drehbuch haben wir diesen Film zum Gewinner des IndieJunior Festivals gewählt.“

IndieJúnior Allianz Festivalankündigung Porto Im Mai 2021

Jurystatement komplett:
When it comes to dealing with a theme like the one Fritzi centers, there are numerous risks. When we talk about politics, we step on a terrain that easily divides opinions and hurts susceptibilities. What happens is that this film seeks to remain well on the surface of any political position. The narrative is limited to contextualizing the scenario in which the characters are inserted, pointing out countless facts, these being: the degrading state of a post-World War II Germany and the territorial separation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. These facts obviously had a great negative influence, at various levels, in the lives of those who lived there. And that is why, despite choosing to glide on the surface of an extremely deep and dense subject, the narrative of this feature film is by no means superficial. The depth in which it chooses to get involved lies in the way in which several families, friends and fellow citizens, find themselves separated due to the interests of those who have nothing to do with them.

We are then confronted with the story of a child who is forced, along with her mother, to flee the socialist side of Germany, immigrating to the capitalist half. In this process, her pet, a small puppy, is left behind, and remains at the care of a friend, Fritzi. Throughout the rest of the feature, we follow Fritzi's attempt to return the animal to the company of its first owner. The childlike and emotional atmosphere created softens the coldest heart and even threatens to cause one or two tears to fall at the end of the film, when the main character's goal is finally achieved. For these reasons, together with a technical excellence in animation, drawing, editing, script and so on, we chose this film to be the winner of the IndieJunior festival.
