Hurry up, Herold!

2D animation shortfilm
2016/ 8min
Direction: Francie Liebschner

Herold is not only a superhero, he is also a dad.
Dressed in a superman chainmail onesie, he is battle-tested and used to dealing with many dangers. However, he now has a special challenge: his daughter Ursel expects to welcome her dad in time for her birthday party – carrying a gift, of course, thank you very much. As if that was not hard enough, the way to little Ursel is paved with 13 tests ...

Animanima Festival, Serbia (world premiere); Schlingel IFF, Chemnitz; Animest Anim'est IFF, Romania; Reggio Film Festival, Italy, DOK Leipzig; Maryland International Kids Film Festival, USA; Contrast Filmfest, Bayreuth; Seoul Guro Kids Film Festival, South Korea; Borderland Filmtage Selb; Kurzsuechtig Leipzig; New Horizon Youth Short Film and Animation Festival, Russia; A-Fest film Rozafa AniFest Tirana, Albania; Brooklyn Film Festival, USA; Animafest Zagreb, Croatia; Lago Film Festival, Italy; Lublin Film Festival, Poland

FBW (German Film and Media Review) Seal predicate: "particularly valuable", 2017
Schlingel IFF, Chemnitz - Short Film Award Animationsfilm National
Audience Award of kids jury (8-13 years old) at the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Berlin 2019

Funded by MDM, SLM, KdFS, FFA and BKM. Produced by Balance Film.