2D Animation
2019/ 5,5 min
Director: Anne-Christin Plate
The film depicts thoughts and feelings of a mother with her so called mentally disabled son. While she moves with him through everyday life, her ambivalent feelings, her struggles to accept him as he is, get into her way. She can only change herself, her attitude towards the child.
31th International Filmfestival Dresden; Anibar Animation Festival Peja, Kosovo; Shortynale, Austria; Linoleum Animation Festival Kiev, Ukraine; PerSo - Perugia Social Film Festival, Italy; dokumentART Festival Neubrandenburg; Filmfest Osnabrück, St. John´s Women´s Film Festival, Canada; Szczecin Film Festival, Poland; Yellowknife International Film Festival, Canada; Kurzfilmfest Flensburg
Golden Horseman International Short Film Festival Dresden 2019
Award "most moving film" Szczecin Film Festival 2019
Jury Award Animation 19th Shortfilmdays Flensburg