What remains - Architecture of Postwar Modernism
2009/ 60min
Director: Ralf Kukula
Buildings such as the “Kulturpalast”, the “Rundkino”, the “Centrum department store” or the "Fresswürfel" (food cube) shaped Dresden's city centre in the Sixties/Seventies. Although they are linked with many Dresden biographies and memories, these buildings seemed to have a hard time in the post-reunification years. In contrast to this stand their entries in the list of monuments. What is special about these buildings? What ideas and people were behind those plans that still shape the image of today's city despite all the changes? To what extent are these buildings valued and preserved today? The documentary follows these traces, shows buildings, their architects and their critics.
Funded by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony and the Dresden Foundation for Art and Culture of the Stadtsparkasse Dresden.